New Front-Attached Garage Showhomes in Rockland Park

Discover Two New Showhomes in NW Calgary
It’s been a few years since we officially launched sales in Rockland Park, and since then we have helped many...
Rockland Park - Sales Team of the Year

2023 BILD Calgary Region Awards
It is with great pride that we announce our Rockland Park Sales Team was awarded the Single-Family Sales Team of the Year...
Spring Festival in Cranston's Riverstone

Final Opportunities to Build in This SE Community
New Showhome in Aspen Spring Estates

Explore Our Glenbow 26 Showhome in This New Southwest Community
Cedarglen Homes is proud to announce the official opening of our brand new showhome in the...
5 Reasons to Build in Cranston’s Riverstone

Final Opportunities to Build a Home in Riverstone
Cedarglen Homes has been a longstanding builder in Cranston’s Riverstone since it first launched in...
Now Selling in Aspen Spring Estates

Explore This New Community in Southwest Calgary
As one door closes, another opens! While we are down to our final few lots available in Encore West Grove...
New Showhomes in Glacier Ridge

Four New Models in NW Calgary
Cedarglen Homes is pleased to announce the official launch of 4 new showhomes in the highly anticipated community of Glacier...
Two New Showhomes in Livingston

New Showhome Parade in NE Calgary
Showhome season is officially here, and after recently launching our new showhome in Belmont we couldn’t wait any longer...
New Showhome in Belmont

New 3-Storey Showhome in SW Calgary
In April of 2018, Cedarglen Homes was pleased to open the doors to our first set of showhomes in Belmont in southwest...
Finding the Right Community

Factors to consider when choosing your future community
Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, downsizing to a smaller house, or moving up to a larger...
Glacier Ridge

Great Opportunities in this Master Planned NW Calgary Community
Cedarglen Homes has had the great pleasure of building beautiful, high-quality homes for...
Cranston's Riverstone Showhome Launch

New Showhome Models in SE Calgary
Rockland Park Showhomes Now Open

New Community Launches in Northwest Calgary
Fall 2021 Quick Possession Homes

Explore Move-In Ready Homes Across Calgary
Getting Connected in Belmont

Discover All That the New Community of Belmont Has to Offer Calgary
What is a Homeowners Association

Calgary Homeowner's Associations - What are they & what are the benefits?
Encore West Grove Estates Showhome Opening

We are excited to announce that our new showhomes in Encore West Grove Estates are complete and ready to open its doors to the public. Join us on Saturday...
Livingston Bungalows Virtual Launch

In the fall of 2020, Cedarglen Homes officially announced the launch of our exclusive M Series bungalows in the community of Livingston. With homes...
Seton Paired Home Virtual Event

It has been almost three years since we launched our first set of paired showhomes in Seton and we are pleased to announce that we have two impressive new...
Encore at West Grove Estates

Cedarglen Homes has had the great pleasure of building high-quality homes for Calgarians in West Grove since the beginning of 2017. This highly...